Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Rough cut 1


Here is our first rough full rough cut. Here we decided to add a bedroom scene to the existing carpark scene.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017



Here we introduce our first rough cut of the new idea for our film opening. We are talking about the issues we had also the improvements we are going to make for our film opening.

Production schedule update 13.12.17

Wednesday 13th December 2017:

  • Film at my house: Scene of teenagers getting ready for party 
  • Stalk scene leading to false scare
  • After shoot we go to Hornbach to buy plastic sheets and candles for lair scene
  • Call sheets to be produced at break (10:20-10:35)
Thursday 14th December 2017:

  • Set up lair scene at my house

Saturday 16th December 2017:

  • Re-shoot of carpark scene as we had a few recording problems and not all the costume.
  • Exit light 2.0 
  • Use call sheet from last time
Sunday 17th December 2017:

  • Lair scene shoot 
  • Call sheet to be produced Friday afternoon

Sunday, 10 December 2017


Our big announcement is about how we have changed our first idea completely since we have noticed that our first wasn‘t really a slasher film. So we are introducing our new idea roughly.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

PODCAST 4: Sad news


In this podcast we‘re announcing the sad news of one member leaving media studies. Also how we imagine our props, cast and scene to look like.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Planning for this week


  • Location scouting

  • Casting (Looking for 1 female, 4 male)
  • Look for costumes and props

  • Sample Scene shooting: 11am-2pm (include lunch)
    • Scene: 3 males planning how to break into the house
    • Scene: Blind girl leaves house, 2 males break in, 1 stays in car
    • Scene: Car pulling up at the house, blind girl gets out, 2 males panic inside

VODCAST / Conventions of a film opening


1. Idents
2. Titles
3. Establishing shots
4. Narrative Enigma
5. Sound
6. Exposition
7. Intro to Characters
8. Basic Narrative Structure
9. Genre Signification
10 Transition to Film

Monday, 13 November 2017



In this podcast Sam and I spoke about what we have done in the past week and what we will do in the near future.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Film Opening report


Working Title
Budget: £8M
Box office: £80M
Distributed in 41 countries



Number of people/company names in titles:Start/end time of main titles: 0:33-1:01Running time of main titles: 58 seconds
Titles in order using exact text:






In the opening of Hot Fuzz only 4 companies were credited and those were the main production companies. Universal Pictures is a member of the big 6 and Working Title is a subsidiary of Universal. StudioCanal is a massive European production and distribution company. Big talk is a smaller production company who is owned by ITV.


No actors have been given a title which is surprising considering Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are very well known actors.


The font used for the titles is bubble, white. This connotes that this wont be a very serious movie, but it wont be childish due to the more serious white colour. Everything is in upper case, however the names of the companies have been made larger, probably to put emphasis on the names of the companies. This font has been used to signify the movie wont be serious but it wont be a kids movie either.


This is an interesting way to show the central protagonist as there is just one long take where the protagonist, in this case Simon Pegg, walks all the way up to the came and shows his badge. As he come closer we can see part of the costume and it becomes clear what he is when hes close. He is a PC.

Technologies I have used so far

  • Blogger
  • YouTube
  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Microsoft Word
  • Sony A58 Camera
  • GoPro
  • Slideshare
  • Apple Mac
  • Greenscreen

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Terminology rap

To be used with this instrumental (ignore swear in title of video):

Uh uh
The worms eye view is from the floor
The master shot show you more
If you don't do media here's the door *points to door*

Verisimilitude is convincing
Tracking is following
Don,t go too high though
That boy is sorrowing

Dont go too low though
Make it too powerful
Pan the camera around
And we can see the shower full

That has nothing to do with this though
You have a shallow field of focus
Make it wider get the bigger picture
Its hard making a rap
You have to make it rhyme
I need more takes, more time

Uh Dun know
Frosty in tha house repping Cents squad

TITLES: The Notebook example


  • Fade in/out
  • Order of Company details: ...Presents...a... Production... 
  • Director NOT credited 2x (auteur): However this is an exception!!!
  • run across 2mins




Number of people/company names in titles: 28

Start/end time of main titles: 0:09-2:26

Running time of main titles: 2:17

Titles in order using exact text:

New Line Cinema Presents

A Gran Via Production

Ryan Gosling
Main actress - Therefore gets a single credit

Rachel McAdams

James Garner

Gena Rowlands

The Notebook

James Marsden

Kevin Connolly

David Thornton
Jamie Anne Brown
Heather Wahlquist
Many names in the same credit because actors aren't well known

with Sam Shepard

and Joe Allen

Casting by
Matthew Barry, C.S.A.
Nancy Green-Keys, C.S.A.

Costume Designer
Karyn Wagner

Music Composed by 
Aaron Zigman
Executive producers get own credit

Edited bye
Alan Heim, A.C.E.

Production Designer
Sarah Knowles 

Director of Photography
Robert Fraisse AFC

Executive Producers 
Toby Emmerich  
Avram Butch Kaplan

Produced by
Director credited
Mark Johnson
Lynn Harris

Based on the novel by 
Nicholas Sparks

Screenplay by 
Jeremy Leven
Adaptation by
Jan Sardi

Directed by Cassavetes 

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Filming practice

This October our media group went to a green-screen studio to shoot scenes for a very short movie where we were completely responsible for all filming and planning and acting and directing. This is a summary of the trip (including a few trips from myself for the next time).

Planning and Planning sheets:
  • So a few days before we went to the studio we worked well as a group to think of ideas of the plot for our film. We decided upon making it a parody horror movie but make it completely ridiculous on purpose.
  • Now onto the planning we were all responsible for for 2 scenes each that we were completely responsible for and we had to provide a complete call sheet for these scenes and few people hadn't done that which made some problems arise since they weren't prepared.
  • However we still managed to fix these issues and organise everything again quickly.
  • We lacked an extensive prop list, however we all wrote down what we needed to bring which we thought would be a be better way.


  • Since we all had 2 scenes we were completely responsible for it also meant we had to direct these scenes and that wasn't always the smoothest.
  • And to be an effective director you have to give clear instructions. this is important so the actors and camera men know what do do or what to film in that exact moment.
  • Also you have to make sure you film the same action with numerous angles and takes so you get more footage to choose from when editing


  • We took a lot of coverage shots as backup in case woe didn't film what we wanted for the scenes where we didn't have the completed call sheets.
  • We could've tried to  tried using manual focus but its out of our skill range at the moment.

5 tips:

  1. Take lots of different shots
  2. Dont waste time
  3. Make sure everyone knows what must be done
  4. Drink water (to clear your mind)
  5. Have fun!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Monday, 18 September 2017

10 points about a past coursework

So for this I will be giving points from Evie's Slaughter Revenge.

  1. You must create your own company idents and Evie's idents are very realistic and look authentic and I feel like I will want to do something fairly similar like the modern slightly Sci-Fi.
  2. Her last ident had a diegetic audio bridge which is very common in horror movies.
  3. In the very first part of the actual film she has a chase scene and the short cuts are used to show that it is a very intense chase scene. 
  4. It then cuts to a pretty obvious greenscreen but its to show a movie is being filmed and it has been done by putting on a filter.
  5. After a while it cuts back and forth from what seems to be the victim and then someone tied up
  6. A GoPro has been used for a kind of first person view. 
  7. She has used a dutch angle to suggest something is off but also add to the suspense she has created with quick shots and suspensful music and creepy sound effects
  8. She has used effects that connote horror e.g. red colour, looks like blood when she announces all the names and companies in the beginning to create verisimilitude.
  9. She uses candle to create a more creepy feeling and adds to natural lighting.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Shot by shot denotation

This is the video we denotated shot by shot.
So for this video we divided the video into 3 and we all took 40 seconds each and denotated the shots in the part we had assigned to us. I had the middle section from around 1:07 to 1:47.


Different types of shots



Sunday, 10 September 2017

5 things I have learned about the coursework in AS level

1) I will need to research and watch film openings and know all the key conventions about a film opening such as actors names, directors names, company idents.
2)I will have to work constantly on this blog publishing posts as I track my progress with my film opening and research.
3)I will have to submit a creative critical reflection in which I use a presentation of some sort or a podcast and i will write/talk about different things such as how my skills have developed since the start of the coursework,
4) All the assessment objectives (AOs) you have to meet and what they imply: AO2, AO3, AO4. 
5)That you have to create your own company ident to create verisimilitude.
Here are the AOs and the evidence needed

The creative critical reflections


Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Favourite Film

The Interview is a Comedy movie directed by Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogan and it was produced in 2014. The Interview had theatrical releases in 16 countries.

Three reasons why I like 'The Interview':

  • I am a big fan of comedy and I enjoy watching Seth Rogan movies.
  • I like that they mock North Korea.
  • I also find James Franco very funny



Rotten Tomatoes



Box Office Mojo

The Numbers

BBFC rating:15
MPAA rating (and other): R

Box office numbers (Box Office Mojo):
  • World box office: 11M
  • US box office: 6.1M
  • UK box office: 0.4M
Budget (The Numbers): 44M

  • Rotten Tomatometer: 51%
  • Rotten Tomato Audience Score: 48%
  • IMDb: 6.6/10

Coursework Guide

