Sunday, 10 September 2017

5 things I have learned about the coursework in AS level

1) I will need to research and watch film openings and know all the key conventions about a film opening such as actors names, directors names, company idents.
2)I will have to work constantly on this blog publishing posts as I track my progress with my film opening and research.
3)I will have to submit a creative critical reflection in which I use a presentation of some sort or a podcast and i will write/talk about different things such as how my skills have developed since the start of the coursework,
4) All the assessment objectives (AOs) you have to meet and what they imply: AO2, AO3, AO4. 
5)That you have to create your own company ident to create verisimilitude.
Here are the AOs and the evidence needed

The creative critical reflections


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