Wednesday, 7 March 2018


comprehensive Conventions (including APPLYING evidence throughout draft/planning posts) research; 15.03.17

Industry (including technology, distribution, budgets, box office, production strategy); 15.03.2018

Audience (including feedback + response to this); 29.03.2018

Planning for all shoots (including full storyboard, screenplay, shoot behind-the-scenes/'rushes', production schedule/updates, H+safety check, permissions); 24.03.2018

final blog check (tagging, links lists, flaws like small text, lack of illustration, lack of sub-headings); SL 31.03.2018
SS 30.03.2018
full rough cut with titles + sound/music; 17.03.2018

final cut; 24.03.2018

Q1; 12.03.2018 (Film date: 09.03.2018)

Q2; 25.03.2018 (Film date: 23.03.2018)

Q3; 22.03.17 (Film date: 18.03.2018)

Q4; 18.03.2018 (Film date: 16.03.2018)

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