Thursday, 15 March 2018

TESS clip Deconstruction



1 comment:

  1. Quite good SimSam, by my reckoning you've managed 15 terms there
    1 vital technical point you MUST learn prior to posting revised vodcasts or Eval videos: DO NOT USE LONG CONTINUOUS CHUNKS OF COPYRIGHT FOOTAGE. This is at best stretching the fair usage concept, and will typically lead to YouTube blocking content - and maybe even the channel. We have been over this!

    Some points you could improve on:
    ES/ELS - what is being denoted (established)?
    SOCIAL CLASSES: use working class (DE), middle class (C1C2), upper-middle class (C1), upper class (AB) for modern settings, peasant or 'from poor background' for historic.
    Also, here + later for Tess + contrasting friend you should apply Levi-Strauss' BINARY OPPOSITION
    TRACKING: also denote shot type; if RULE OF THIRDS is observed (also CENTRAL FRAMING); VARIABLE FOCUS; MS - all these are used to anchor Tess as the central protagonist (+POV)
    CENTRAL PROTAGONIST good term, but also make sure you use some Propp(ian archetypes) terms, at least 'hero'
    POV note peasant father is kept in LS while Tess is mostly in MS/MCU
